Sustainable Ocean Summit 2020

December 8, 2020 - December 11, 2020

The SOS 2020 will again connect the diverse international Blue Economy industry and investment world to focus on the coming “Decade of Action” for sustainable development. Together we will explore the topics and develop the workplans for implementing the Sustainable Development Goals for the ocean.

Ocean Action is the focus of the SOS 2020. Each session will be a working meeting focused on a key issue and identifying priorities and developing outputs to drive industry and investment action on the issue for the year to come.

Each session will address:

  • The status of the issue and developments during the past year
  • The priority needs and opportunities for ocean business and investment community collaboration and action on the issue
  • What could and should be undertaken on the issue in the coming year (and the role of WOC in advancing that progress)

See more detailed program here 

Sign up for the workshop you’d like to contribute